Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My Oopsy Daisy

Okay...I think it is only fair I share my mistakes.  I get so excited to show you my projects and how easy things are to do yourself...I never show you my trial and errors along the way.  Oh, and there are some.

I had such great luck with RIT dye for Halloween, I thought I would try it on Stella's curtains.  Wait, let me back up and give you the long story.  I finally broke down in October and painted some walls.  I painted any wall that had this terrible yellow on it.  The catch is, most likely I will have to paint it back before we move, so I am keeping it to a minimum.  After watching me paint a couple rooms, Stella started begging for a pink room.  Nope, not going to do it.  If I do Stella's room, I have to do Esme's, and then I have two more rooms to paint back. Soooo...I thought it would help if she had MORE pink to settle her want.  The curtains she had in her room were actually really pretty and really cute shower curtains I picked up from Target on clearance.  It is hard to want to invest in things like window treatments, when these will not be the windows she will have say in a year.  Now, back to the RIT dye.  I thought I would give it a shot and see if it worked.
Well, it didn't.  I mean BIG did not.  These were once a pretty light aqua blue with light pink flowers.  
Here, they are a purple-y, pinky, blah, yucky yuck mess.  
What was I thinking, right?  Well I wasn't.  I should know better with a pattern especially.
Stella loved them; even cried when I started to redo them.

I bought some pink canvas from JoAnn's with a 50 percent off coupon and got to sewing.  Since the original curtains were shower curtains, I had picked some fun "sparkle" rings to hang them on.  I wanted to reuse these knowing how much Stella liked them.
I actually sewed the tops of the original curtains to the fabric on the back side so that the new curtains could hand the same way on the same rings.  I did not have to worry about creating any holes
 this way and also keep mistakes hidden.

So much better.  Of course the little one here, took the opportunity to bounce on her sister's bed while I was taking pictures.  Stella has gotten over her loss and now loves her new curtains...since they make her room glow pink when they are pulled shut.

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